
人力資源管理及國家文化價值觀對組織承諾影響之研究—以楠梓加工出口區外籍勞工為例Other Titles: Empiric Study about the Impact of Human Resource Management and National Culture Values on Organization Commitment—Example by the Foreign Workers inNan-Tze Export Processing Zone

Author: 曾志銘
Author affiliations: 国立成大
Publication date: 2005
Type: Thesis(M)
Abstract: 我國近二十幾年來經濟由於受到國民所得增加、工作價值觀改變、生育率降低、教育水準提高、產業結構轉型、服務業急速成長…等因素影響,致使就業市場勞動供需失調,基層勞工短缺。為解決勞工短缺之問題,行政院勞工委員會自民國七十八年十月起,正式同意陸續自泰國、菲律賓、印尼、馬來西亞等四個國家引進外籍勞工,民國八十八年十一月開放越南外勞的引進,九十三年五月起又開放引進蒙古籍外勞,以配合國內經濟發展及企業實際需要,増加基層勞動力與企業的競爭力。本研究旨在瞭解企業之人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)的制度與作法,對於外籍勞工(Foreign Workers)之組織承諾,尤其是續約意願的影響,另外勞來自不同的文化背景,其國家文化價值觀(National Culture Values)是否對外勞之組織承諾(Organization Commitment)造成不同的結果,以及人口統計變項對外勞之組織承諾產生的差異性。   本研究主要以楠梓加工出口區有引進外勞的企業為研究範圍,由於截至目前楠梓加工區內廠商所引進之外勞只有菲律賓、泰國與越南等三國籍,因此本研究對象設定為來自此三國籍且擔任作業員或技術員之外勞,依各廠商之外勞人數採比例分層抽樣法進行調查,實際發出527份問卷,合計回收512份問卷(越籍勞工25份、菲籍勞工423份、泰籍勞工64份),有效回收問卷為453份(越籍勞工25份、菲籍勞工376份、泰籍勞工52份),利用SPSS10 0套裝軟體執行適當之統計分析,獲得主要結論如下: 1 菲籍外勞於「人力資源管理」、「國家文化價值觀」與「連續性承諾」等三構面或構面因素之認同度均較越、泰籍為佳。 2 在典型相關方面,報償系統與男性作風對於連續性承諾呈現正相關,權力距離與長期導向對於道德性承諾呈現正相關,而男性作風對道德性承諾呈現負相關。 3 在整體與菲籍勞工樣本裡,人力資源管理對組織承諾之影響模式中,具有國家文化價值觀之仲介變數;而泰籍與越籍勞工中,國家文化價值觀並沒有顯著的仲介效果。
Abstract   Taiwan economy was rapidly changed by the increasing of GDP changing of working value decreasing of birth rate improvement of education transferring of industrial structure and growing up of service industry during past twenty years All these factors break the even between the demand and supply of labor employment and cause the shortage of basic labors In order to resolve the shortage of labors and meet the economic development/enterprise expansion the Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan Taiwan made an agreement with Thailand Philippines Indonesia and Malaysia…etc recruiting foreign workers since October 1989 opening the Vietnamese labors since November 1999 moreover Government allows recruiting foreign workers from External Mongolia since May 2004 The purpose of this study is to comprehend the Organization Commitment with the Human Resource Management for foreign workers especially is the Continuance Commitment To study the impacts from the National Culture Values and personal population statistic on Organization Commitment also This study analyzes the variance from above topics   This study location is focusing on duty free area-Nan-Tzu Export Processing Zone Kaohsiung City Taiwan Currently the enterprises in NEPZ recruit the foreign workers from Thailand Philippines and Vietnam As a result it concentrates on these three countries and the job description including operators and technicians This study depended on each manufacture’s foreign workers number sending out 527 questionnaires and collected 512 copies (25 copies from Vietnamese 423 copies from Filipinos 64 from Thais) The valid questionnaires are 453 (25 copies from Vietnamese 376 copies from Filipinos 52 from Thais) This study will be concluded as follows by SPSS10 00 software: 1 Filipinos identify “Human Resource Management ” “National Culture Values ” and “Continuance Commitment” better than Thais and Vietnamese 2 In Canonical Correlation Reward System and Masculinity present positive correlation to Continuance Commitment、Power Distance and Long-term Orientation also present positive correlation to Continuance Commitment but Masculinity presents negative correlation to Normative Commitment 3 In Regression model Human Resource Management can influence Organization Commitment and they are influenced indirectly by National Culture Values among all samples and Filipinos but it is not among Thais and Vietnamese.
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