
Hummelink, Merel

Author: The function of Special Economic Zones in the modernization process of China
Publication date: 2014
Subject terms: China;
Special Economic Zones;
modernization process
Document type:
Abstract: The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (CSPFTZ) has been established on September 29th 2013 in Shanghai. Shanghai has been the center of many historical events. In the 19th century, Shanghai was opened up to the outside world and forced to outside trade relations due to the Nanking Treaty of 1842 after the First Opium War (1839-1842) and was selected as a new port: the ‘Shanghai International Settlement’. The British, American and French settled in Shanghai and after 100 years Shanghai developed as the largest foreign trade port in China. Meanwhile, during the first Sino-Japanese War of 1895, China was mauled by a strong, Western influenced Japan. Attempts to reform China into a modern nation failed but after the 1911 Revolution, Shanghai emerged as a center of modern activities
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