
Levien, Michael James

Author: Regimes of Dispossession: Special Economic Zones and the Political Economy of Land in India
Author affiliations: eScholarship, University of California
Publication date: 2013
Subject terms: Sociology ; agrarian change ; development ; dispossession ; India ; land ; Special Economic Zones
Document type:
Abstract: The aim of the present work is to advance a theoretical framework for the comparative study of dispossession by explaining how the political economy of land dispossession has transformed from state-led developmentalism to neoliberalism in India. The dissertation compares the archetypical forms of dispossession in each period and argues that they constitute different regimes of dispossession. A regime of dispossession is an institutionalized way of expropriating landed assets from their current owners or users. Each regime of dispossession is distinguished by: 1) a set of purposes for which a state is willing to dispossess land and 2) a way of producing compliance to that dispossession
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