
The development of the contested city form of Shenzhen, China

Author: Tian Hao
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dept of Architecture
Publication date: 2005
Type: Thesis(M)
Abstract: The population of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has exploded, within twenty-three years, from thirty thousand to 4.7 million with average 28 percent annual per capita GDP increase. What city forms have been sustaining this rapid economic and population growth? Why has the city adopted these forms? The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the historical, cultural, political, economic, urban planning, and architectural factors that have saliently affected the city form development of Shenzhen, China, which is illustrated extensively. Zone, City, and Regional Nexus are three key terms that characterize the three phases of Shenzhen's physical form nature and the corresponding political roles, economic goals, and urban planning strategy of the city. This study hypothesizes that Shenzhen's city form development tends to be contested in the Pearl River Delta region in the midst of globalization, in order to maintain the city's symbiotic economic predominant posture. A design proposal for the city's future growth is also provided, emphasizing the principles of livability, public spaces, seafront fabric, and ecological system.
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