
Legal Fiction, True Savings: Has your company paid heed to the potential benefits foreign trade zone status can confer? If not, listen up

Author: Neville Jr.;Mark K.
Source: Site Selection Vol. 55 Issue 5, p668-677, 7p
Publication date: 2010
Subject terms: "*FREE ports & zones *INDUSTRIAL location *INDUSTRIAL sites *FREE trade"
Vol.: Vol. 55 Issue 5, p668-677, 7p
Abstract: The article examines the significant impacts of the availability of foreign trade zone (FTZ) status on the site selection process of companies in the U.S. It notes that an FTZ offers some benefits for those companies importing products and seeking for sites where they can sell or distribute such products, or manufacturing sites where they could further process imported raw materials. It also explores the difference between the two types of FTZs, namely general purpose zone (GPZ) and subzone
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