
Nita, C.E

Author: Next Batam: fostering a resilient growth strategy. A combined transit oriented development and industrial clustering strategy, in order to create new investment opportunities and competitive advantages for the city of Batam, a Special Economic Zone affected by the global crisis
Author affiliations: Delft University of Technology: Institutional Repository
Publication date: 1905-07-05 08:00:00
Subject terms: Special Economic Zones ; Transport Oriented Development ; BRT ; Batam ; industrial cities ; competitive advantage ; industrial clusters
Document type:
Abstract: Similar to thousands other Special Economic Zone (SEZ) cities around the world, Batam, an Indonesian city-island at the border with Singapore, was developed by the central government to attract foreign investors and develop its industrial basis. Its strategic position made it an excellent location for the Singaporean manufacturing companies, in general light industry and electronics, which were looking for more space and cheaper production costs. But the present economic context, these companies, will leave these cities if the production conditions worsen. This is also the case of Batam, which began losing competitiveness in favor of other similar but cheaper cities in the SE Asian region, such as Vietnam or Bangladesh
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