
ORIGINAL PAPER Heartache of the State, Enemy of the Self: Bipolar Disorder and Cultural Change in Urban China

Author: Emily Ng ; E. Ng
Source: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Publication date: 2013
Document type:
Vol.: This article is published with open access at Abstract Past works in anthropology and psychology have described the Chinese orientation toward life as situation-centered with an external locus of control. This model has also been applied to the understanding of affect disorders in China—depressive patients have been found to focus on outside circumstances surrounding dysphoric moods. However, dramatic economic, sociopolitical and cultural changes in post-Mao China may be affecting these cognitive orientations toward emotional distress. This paper focuses on the subjective experiences of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder in China. The study is based on semistructured interviews with patients at a Western-style mental health institution in Shenzhen, the first successful Special Economic Zone in China
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