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Global Experiences with Special Economic Zones: Focus on China and Africa
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The Effects of Polish Special Economic Zones on Employment and Investment: Spatial Panel Modelling Perspective
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Income tax exemption as a regional state aid in special economic zones and its impact upon development of Polish districts
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Cambodia’s Special Economic Zones
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The Impact of Special Economic Zones on Exporting Behavior
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Industrial Development and manufacturing in Chinese territories: the contribution of special economic enclaves policies
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ORIGINAL PAPER Heartache of the State, Enemy of the Self: Bipolar Disorder and Cultural Change in Urban China
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CEO Incentive Contracts in China: Why Does City Location Matter
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Economic Performance in China
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A case study for special economic zones in South Africa as a means of attracting foreign direct investment
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China’s special economic zones in Africa
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score matching. I am grateful to Junxin Feng for numerous help with the data collection
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Critical evaluation of Mandalay dry port, Myanmar
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The economic impact of Special Economic Zones: Evidence from Chinese municipalities
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Special economic zones as stimuli to regional development during a crisis
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CEO incentive contracts in China: why does city location matter?
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The livelihood effects of industrialization on displaced households: Evidence from falta special economic zone, West Bengal
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Economic reforms and industrial policy in a panel of Chinese cities
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The Effect of Economic Reform and Industrial Policy in a Panel of Chinese Cities
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Indian Special Economic Zones: The Difficulties of Repeating China’s Triumph
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