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Database: 书籍类
我国经济特区已经走过了二十多年辉煌历程,向着第三个十年前进。在世界经济竞争日益尖锐的今天,第三个十年如何进一步发展,这不光是特区人民关心的问题,也是中央和全国人民关心的问题。因此,及时对这个问题进行研究,寻求对策,具有重要的现实意义。基于这一认识,本文拟对世界经济发展的特点以及世界经济对我国特区经济的影响,应采取的对策作些分析,以期推动对这个问题的研究。  本文第一章从回顾世界特区经济历史演进与我...
Database: 书籍类
深圳是我国最早建立和最具代表性的经济特区,经过20多年的艰苦创业,这座移民城市的综合经济实力已跃居全国大中城市的前列。2000年第五次人口普查数据表明,深圳市少数民族人口已有22.5万人,少数民族人口增长速度数倍于该城市中汉族人口增长速度,成为广东省少数民族人口最多的城市,也是继北京之后我国第二个拥有56个民族成分的城市。 深圳是我国改革开放的前沿,其少数民族人口如此迅猛地增加,是人们始料未及的,...
Database: 书籍类
Moving from the fringes to the mainstream: Study on the development of cultural industries in Shenzhen
Database: 书籍类
With entertainment as its principle part, the cultural market began to develop in the early 1980s and became to be the first sign of cultural industries in Shenzhen. Some cultural enterprises develope...
Characteristics of modern labour laws and factors affecting their implementation : a study of the electronics and telecommunications industry in the Shenzhen special economic zone of China
Database: 书籍类
The development of the contested city form of Shenzhen, China
Database: 书籍类
The population of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has exploded, within twenty-three years, from thirty thousand to 4.7 million with average 28 percent annual per capita GDP increase. What city forms ha...
China's Special Economic Zones: From Shenzhen to Shanghai. A new path to industrialization, urbanization, globalization and modernization
Database: 书籍类
Contrary to a common expectation that China would follow either American capitalism or the Soviet model in post-Mao era, the new Chinese leadership experimented with limited capitalism in six Special ...
Local Strenght and Global Reach: A Study of Private Sector Development of the Automotive Industry Supporting a Sustainable Regional Development in Silesia
Database: 书籍类
The overall objective of this dissertation is to analyse the barriers and potentials for the automotive sector’s contribution to enhanced sustainability in the region of Silesia in Southern Pola...
Unravelling women’s stories of health: Female workers’ experiences of work, gender roles and empowerment relating to health in Katunyake export-processing zone, Sri Lanka
Database: 书籍类
人力資源管理及國家文化價值觀對組織承諾影響之研究—以楠梓加工出口區外籍勞工為例Other Titles: Empiric Study about the Impact of Human Resource Management and National Culture Values on Organization Commitment—Example by the Foreign Workers inNan-Tze Export Processing Zone
Database: 书籍类
Pixels and patterns: A satellite-based investigation of changes to urban features in the Sanya Region, Hainan Special Economic Zone, China
Database: 书籍类
Throughout most of China, and particularly in the coastal areas of its south, ecological resources and traditional culture are viewed by many to be negatively impacted by accelerating urbanization. As...
An investigation of the effect of labour law concessions on stakeholders in Kenyan Garment export processing Zones
Database: 书籍类
Global capitalism: The case of the Dominican Republic from 1960 through 2002
Database: 书籍类
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the changing nature of the economy, state and global financial policies and popular movements of resistance to global capitalism, and their impact ...
Foreign direct investment and the development of special economic zones in China : a comparative study of Shenzhen and Zhuhai, 1980-2000
Database: 书籍类
A Comparative Study of Shenzhen and Zhuhai, 1980卅000Submitted byKung Cheuk Lam PeggyFor the Master of Arts in China Area Studies at the University of Hong KongJune 2004Since the implementation of the ...
The development of real estate tourism : the case of Shenzhen
Database: 书籍类
The Development of Real Estate Tourism: The Case of Shenzhen by Lam SzeKi for the Degree of Master of Arts at the University of Hong Kong in June 2003 Real estate tourism, combining real estate and to...
Urban expansion under the decentralization reform in China
Database: 书籍类
Urban expansion is not only driven by market demand, but also a result of urban policy for land development and supply. A state-centred analysis for state structure is conceived to be helpful to under...
Urban morphology of the Chinese city: Cases from Hainan
Database: 书籍类
Export Oriented Institutional Changes: The Function and Significance of Export Processing Zones in the Belizean Economy
Database: 书籍类
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